A Hockey Entertainment Band?

That performs live on skates? Yes Please!!

When #4, Snow, got a guitar for Christmas one year, boy were we happy. Even though things actually began on her parents old piano, where we learned things such as “My Favorite Things”, things quickly spilled over to guitar and she began to sing.

She used to sing and play guitar and piano for her Grandmother, who was enduring full blown Alzheimer’s. Once she whistled “The Climb” by Miley Cyrus note for note in its entirety, while we were driving to her to the rink one day. Lily was such a proficient whistler that I began to refer to her Mom as Whistler’s Mother.

Snow has two younger siblings and a cousin who also began to demonstrate their own musical skill set but it was Lily’s cousin Carly who is #10, has stuck it out. One day Carly and I were figuring out the guitar for “Somebody That I Used to Know” and she kept correcting me. I realized they both had perfect pitch about the same time they both realized that I do not.

What took us so long to get to this point was that life got in the way. Lily and Carly were students and hockey players. Not just ice but inline and field hockey. Lily got married and went to college in Virginia Beach and Carly recently graduated from college.

During the pandemic, we recorded our first song Sin Bin Blues. A Folsom Prison parody about recidivist hockey players. I called our Producer “The Emperor of Rock" Richie Scarlet, and it was the correct call to make. Suddenly I was laying down guitar tracks and scheduling vocals.

I brought three singers and they along with Richie, decided Carly was best suited to the part. While it felt as if we made hockey history that night, the pandemic was more historic.

We rented the party rink in Brewster Ice Arena and planned our video. To do this we needed to round out the roster. That is when another no brainer type decision was made. Enter The Purrs.

The Fabulous Purrs are 5 kids from Queens who can all sing. They are so talented, we need to put them in their own “About” section. We will. One of the great benefits of discovering the Ice Rockers is discovering these Purrs.

The Purrs are so great that a quick call to Brian and Chris, and Bam!! both showed up. Brian with guitars and Chris with his entire drum set.

Enter Ice Rocker # 6, Lincoln Morrison. Lincoln is a Lighting, Camera, Sound professional and was on my PeeWee team. He also plays drums and if you are making a hockey music video and already blew your tiny budget, having Lincoln show up provided some needed calm on set.

We recorded our first video October 15, 2023!

We are currently producing our 2nd video. We recorded “Paranoid” by Black Sabbath to provide the Woman’s take on a Man who says he is “finished with his woman because she couldn’t help him with his mind.” What is she supposed to be? A psychologist?

Paranoid is sung by another Fabulous Purr, Caroline. (See “About the Purrs”)

Beyond recording we are anxious to start performing. Our goal is to perform at an unparalleled college hockey extravaganza event with a full marching band of skaters. Then, another first: A Hockey Musical!